Swift File Format and ABI


###Name Demangling:

####Simple Protocol:

Swift namespace:

_TtPSs(protocol name length)(protocol name)

Non-Swift namespace:

_TtP(namespace name length)(namespace name)(protocol name length)(protocol name)

####Simple Class:

Swift namespace:

_TtCSs(class name length)(class name)

Non-Swift namespace

_TtC(namespace name length)(namespace name)(class name length)(class name)

##File Format

###Offset: 0x0

####.swiftmodule + .swiftdoc

E2 9C A8

###Offset: 0x3





###Offset: 0x4

####.swiftmodule + .swiftdoc

01 08 00 00

###Offset: 0x8


9E 05 00 00


22 00 00 00


####.swiftmodule regardless of platform the first 5768 bytes of the file is the same

####.swiftdoc regardless of platform the first 152 bytes of the file is the same



name mangling:

[4 bytes] = full length of item string
[4 bytes] = unknown
* = unknown
# = number of characters per segment of the described item
_____ = name of item

comment format:

[01 00 00 00] = prefix
[4 bytes] = length of described comment
[N bytes] = comment string (non-null terminated.)


####.swiftmodule + .swiftdoc

end in 12 bytes of zero

00 00 00 00     00 00 00 00     00 00 00 00

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